Thursday, October 22, 2009

Get Wisdom; Develop Good Judgment

By Kelly Dixon
Get wisdom; develop good judgment. Don’t forget my words or turn away from them. Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you.
Proverbs 4:5-6

How comfortable are you with the call God has on your life? Sure, you are a Christian and you know you have been saved for you believe in the One and only Savior Jesus Christ, but do you feel uncomfortable with the plan God has for you? I remember when I was struggling with the call the Lord had on my life, there was an uneasiness that I couldn’t shake. I knew I wasn’t where the Lord wanted me to be, but I felt uncomfortable moving forward. I would struggle daily with questioning myself as to if I am in God’s will or not. Initially this questioning doesn’t seem like it should be wrong. After all, shouldn't we constantly be seeking God’s will for our lives? However, the questioning wasn’t the problem. The problem was the struggle that led to disobedience. I struggled with the clear answers the Lord gave me ultimately second guessing myself and not doing as I was directed. As a result, I was being disobedient to the Father and ultimately not putting into action the call He had for my life.
In Proverbs 4:5-6, it states that we should get wisdom and develop good judgment. One thing I learned during this time of struggling in my life was that if I was to have good judgment then I had to get wisdom. If I wanted to be able to make judgments on my life based on the will of God, then I must get wisdom and stop turning my back to His directions. When the Lord taught me a lesson, I must apply that lesson in my life and in doing so God’s wisdom would be placed into action. When we realize that God is calling for us to make a major change in our lives, we want to question His will by second guessing ourselves and when we do we become fearful of moving forward. But when we move forward with seeking God, then we will get wisdom and develop good judgment. We shouldn’t struggle, but constantly keep our eyes on Jesus. His wisdom will protect us and our love for His Word will guard us throughout our lives.
Has the Lord revealed to you a plan of action or the call He has for your life? Are you struggling with whether or not this is God’s will or your own? The Lord doesn’t hide Himself from us and if we diligently seek after Him and look for Him to act in our lives, then we will see clearly the way we should go. Get wisdom by seeking the Lord through daily marinating yourself in His Scriptures and fellowshipping with His church. Do as King Solomon did and ask the Lord to give you wisdom. Through fellowshipping with the Lord in this manner, you will develop good judgment and you will move forward with His plan for your life.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Give me wisdom to know Your will. I seek You and want to fulfill the call You have for my life. Mold me into being the person you need me to be. Show me when I am not using good judgment and doubting the movements You are making around me daily. Amen.