Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This Christmas, Boost Others

By Kelly Dixon
Reading: Romans 1:11-12
Christmas time is one of my favorite times of the year. A time to celebrate our Savior’s birth here on earth thrills my soul. This past weekend my children and I watched The Christmas Carol together. This classic has become a tradition to watch during the Christmas season for many homes. Even though I have watched the movie numerous times, this past viewing brought a different aspect to heart about the film. Many times we think of Scrooge’s character as being a greedy rich man. He definitely didn’t appreciate the blessings he had nor did he want anyone else to appreciate Christmas. However, this year I noticed how that attitude of being unappreciative actually dosed the capability Scrooge had (even without his money) to boost other’s spirits. The difference is noticed greatly between the old hum-bug Scrooge in the beginning of the film and the new change of heart Scrooge at the end. This recent viewing of the film made me think about my own attitude toward others and the opportunity I have during the Christmas season to boost others.
Before my children were born, I would let the Christmas season get me into a financial bind and in viewing the season through those experiences it would not be viewed as joyful. However, Praise God! He has brought to my attention that I was allowing the world to influence me in taking my focus off Jesus. Thanks to the lesson God has recently pointed out to me in the viewing of The Christmas Carol, this year, I am looking at my actions in boosting others during this season. We all will see friends and relatives more during this time then we did in the past months giving Christians many opportunities to share the wonderful story of the Savior. However, we must not neglect the fact that the sharing of the Christmas story is not only in the reading of the account of Jesus birth in the gospel of Luke, but also in the actions we take in lifting others up. Are we using the opportunity the Lord has given us to boost them in Him? Are we encouraging them in the Lord so that they can grow closer to Him? Am I bringing the spirit of joy with the words I speak and the body language I portray or am I being a moaner and complainer? Just like Scrooge, we too can bring a damper to the season and not use the opportunity the Lord has given us to lift up others. This Christmas season think of what mission the Lord is sending you on during the celebration and be determined to boost someone in Christ!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I praise You for sending Your Son. Through Him I not only have the opportunity for salvation but the joy of sharing the message of salvation to this world. Guide me in being on the mission of sharing Christ not only through the wonderful story of Jesus’ birth but also through my actions of boosting others in Him. Amen.