Monday, May 31, 2010

The Holy Spirit - The Fire

(The Holy Spirit Led Life – Introduction)
by Kelly Dixon
Listen to Devotional Online
This Reading: Romans 8:1-17        Devotional Series Reading: Galatians 5:16-26

I invite you to take a look into the life of my family for just a moment. There is a story I would like to share that the Lord used as a tool for me to think more about the power of His Spirit. While it is a sweet story and one that warms a mother’s heart, it is still a story that has great truths for all Christians and ultimately a beginning of the next devotional series.
Each morning on our way to take my girls to school, we say prayers for the day. Over time this has grown from them giving request and me praying to us each taking turns to pray on our own. My youngest daughter has been praying for their class pet guinea pig to be taken out each day. To my knowledge this still hasn’t happened, but this gives you an idea of the prayers. This particular morning my oldest daughter, who is seven, began the prayer time. She started off by saying, “Dear Lord, I really want to thank You for this day.” And then she went directly into this prayer that made me as her mother really focus as she said in essence, “God, I need to pray for everyone. I need to pray for us all to choose to act the way Jesus would have us to act. I need to pray this because I know I have been choosing to act as Satan wants me to act. I want you to help me choose to act like Jesus.” She stumbled through this prayer and then she paused. After the long pause she said. “God tell Satan to leave me alone. Amen.” I smiled as I thought about how sincere her prayer was because she was struggling to be nice to a certain girl in her class. We then went on to her younger sister for her to pray and yes, the guinea pig request was included.
 What is it about this prayer that brought things into focus for me? It reminded me of the 8th chapter of Romans which I have had in my Scripture memory stack for a while now. These Scriptures focus on not living according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. This is a daily struggle as Paul states in Galatians 5:17, “For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.” It was sweet that my daughter used the words “I need” when she prayed. This was her way of showing her Heavenly Father the desperation of her prayer, but for each Christian this is really the way we should look at our struggle with the flesh – we need the Spirit to strengthen us in the fight.
I have read many works about Biblical scholars lately. The Lord has used these readings as a way to bring my focus onto His Spirit. In reading them, it has brought forth the thoughts I’ve had for a long time about how Jesus is the Light of the world and how His light should shine through me. But I struggle daily to allow that to happen because of this great tugging of the flesh. Recent readings about the Holy Spirit have reminded me how the Holy Spirit is represented by fire. When you are in a room with a light bulb on, it is giving off heat and you can see things you would not have seen if there was no light. However, you don’t feel the heat. But if in that same room there is fire, you would be able to feel the heat immediately upon entering. Jesus is the light for us to shine, but for us to shine His light effectively to this world we must let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn brightly.
As Christians, we have accepted Jesus as our Savior and through doing so He has promised to always be with us. In Titus we are told that our salvation brings the generous pouring out of the Holy Spirit onto us (Titus 3:4-7). Ultimately, as Christians we don’t only have Jesus as our Savior (and light) but we have His Holy Spirit (fire) as our Guide indwelling in us from the point of our salvation. What a great benefit we have as Christians – God’s Spirit, a part of the Holy Trinity, Who has been and always will be – His Holy Spirit indwells us with the power to give us a life full of Spiritual fire. A life that is so effective that we and others feel its heat immediately. So these questions come to mind – how can my life and ministry burn brightly with God’s fire? How can I live a life that is fully led by the Holy Spirit?
Like my daughter, I need this daily guidance in my life as I struggle with the ongoing fight to follow my flesh or the Holy Spirit. I need Spiritual wisdom in my life when things seem upside down. I need Spiritual wisdom in my life when things are going right. I need the power of His Spirit to guide me when I am tempted by Satan
. . . to gossip
. . . to brush people off who are different than me
. . . to allow the busyness of life to stand in the way of God’s will
. . . to grumble and complain
. . . to react in the flesh when I become angry
Ultimately, I need the fire of the Holy Spirit to purify my every being so that I can be on fire for the Lord.
These questions and this desire are what have sparked my beginning of this devotional series. I feel it is one that we all need to evaluate in our lives. I think the key begins with learning how to submit to the Holy Spirit by allowing His fruit to prevail. Therefore, we will initially begin by exploring the fruit of the Spirit. However, where the Holy Spirit leads in this series is yet to be seen, but it is one that I am excited about embarking upon. I hope you will join me as we discover just how to allow the Holy Spirit to lead our lives.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want to learn more about how Your Spirit can lead my life. Give me wisdom to open up my heart so I can discover more of You. Lead me in submission. Thank You, Jesus, for dying on the cross for my sins. Through Your shed blood I have the benefit of guidance from the Holy Spirit. It is through Your name that I make these requests. Amen.