Thursday, March 4, 2010

Faithful to the End!

How do we delight in the Lord? - Part 3
by Kelly Dixon
Reading: Jude 17-25
When I was a young adult and still living with my parents, I was given a Cocker Spaniel - Labrador mix puppy. He was the size of his ancestry Cocker Spaniel breed and black as the ace of spades so we named him Ace. Ace was the type of dog that not only was dear to our hearts, but to the hearts of our neighbors and friends as well. When I view the old "Benji" movies and how Benji traveled around the neighborhood and was loved by all, it reminds me a lot of Ace. He was a faithful companion that was always there to give you a comforting look or to just be by your side. I remember times when I would be upset and Ace was there. Times when I would be frustrated as I studied through college and he would be there by my side with the expression of pure kindness and adoration on his face. I have so many fond memories of this beloved pet. One of which was when we dressed him up in a tux for my wedding (pix posted with this devotional). He literally stole the show as he greeted the guests under the big tent we had erected for the reception in my parents' front yard.
Now that I am married, have children and live at the end of the road where I grew up, I sometimes drive down the road of our neighborhood and think about the memory I cherish the most in my heart about our dear Ace. This memory is not about the way he comforted me, but about the way he comforted our neighbors. We have an older lady who lives in our neighborhood. When her husband was alive, his heart was only working on a small percentage. Therefore, even though he loved to farm, there were many days he and his wife would have to sit at home. Each day, when we went to work, Ace would leave our house and go up to Mr. & Mrs. Herold's home. They absolutely adored him and he adored them. At first we thought it was the treats they would have waiting for him that made him go, but if you visited the neighbors with him (which we did often), you could see how this loving animal had a genuine bond with them. Treat or no treat, he just wanted to be there with them because he loved them. Maybe a big part of it was they were at home and he liked the company, but I think it was mainly because Ace had so much love in his heart and he overflowed with faithfulness to display it to our family and the neighbors. Faithful is what I think of when I think of Ace. He was faithful to comfort us all to the end!
As we continue this devotional series on delighting in the Lord, we must realize that if we are going to delight in the Lord we should begin to take on some of His characteristics. In this sweet story about Ace, it is easy to see how he was faithful, but what we finally came to realize is that in the end (at almost 12 years of age) Ace had arthritis and tumors on his spine. It became very hard for him to walk, but even so he would make his trip (or try to) up to the neighbors house, because he had a mission to be faithful in showing his love. In Jude 17-25, we are given a call to remain faithful even though there may be those among us that scoff at us and try to create division. During these times it is hard for us to keep going in our Christian walk just like it was difficult for Ace to walk up that road. However, when you read over the passage you can see there are five ways we can remain faithful.
  1. We should continue to build our lives on the foundation of Jesus and continue to pray in the Spirit. (Jude 20). Don't let your walk in Christ slow down by these people's actions. Instead, continue the momentum forward.
  2. We should live in obedience to God so His love can bless us as we wait to see Him in eternity. (Jude 21) Other people's actions should never influence your obedience to God. 
  3. We should show mercy on our fellow brother or sister who is wavering in faith. (Jude 22) Even though you are not going to let them slow down your walk or influence your obedience to God, you should always show mercy and love to them. Remember, they struggle with the same struggles we all have - temptations to sin.
  4. We should continue to spread the Gospel to rescue others from the flame of judgment (Hell). (Jude 23) Our great commission given to us by Jesus is to spread the Gospel. We should always keep this in mind when we are in this world. However, as we do so, this passage warns us that we should be careful. Even though we are called to be merciful and to spread the Gospel, we have a great responsibility to our Heavenly Father to not allow others to contaminate us and draw us into sinning with them. When we do so, our witness is contaminated as well.
  5. Finally, we must remember that the only way we can accomplish the above is through drawing our strength from God. (Jude 24) God is able to keep us from stumbling as we show mercy and witness to others. As we draw strength from Him, we will show our faithfulness to Him and to Him will be all the glory for His salvation, majesty, power and authority.
Jesus told us that the Christian walk would not be easy and that it is a hard road. Thinking otherwise should be a cause for one to thoroughly examine their walk. However, if we remain faithful there is a peace that is promised to us and for me it has come in the form of pure delight. By reflecting back to the Lord His characteristic of faithfulness, we can walk the Christian walk with great delight even through the trials of life and the actions of others. Let's delight in the Lord as we take on the attitude Ace had when he traveled the road with arthritis and growing tumors - we are on a mission, a mission to be faithful!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, it is such an awesome thing to be called Your child. Even though it is tough to walk the Christian walk I thank You for not leaving me to walk it on my own. Help me to be faithful to You by drawing strength from You to do so. Give me the wisdom to know when I am not drawing from Your power. In Jesus Name, Amen.