Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Procrastinating Problem

by Kelly Dixon

Reading: Romans 12:1-2

Can my procrastination be an act of disobedience to God? After all, I do eventually get it done. It’s just that I don’t jump right on it. As Christians, we not only put off reading our Bible and tithing, but we also delay in doing the work that the Lord has prepared for us to do. Ultimately these delays in carrying out His plan constitute disobedience. Therefore, our procrastination leads to a serious problem for Christians. There are many ways we can delay doing work for Christ. However, service to His church and surrendering to His will are some main categories in which I, myself, procrastinate.

It has been my experience that the recognition of when I am procrastinating is where I fall short. Procrastination is the process of putting off doing something until another day or time. Many times we do this because we do not want to do whatever the task is at hand. In my service to the Lord’s church, I may make promises to be available to serve Him, but when the call comes I say no. Giving such excuses as, “I don’t have the time.” or “That position is not what I want to do.” In reality, when I examine my feelings I am dodging what I do not like or want to do.

When it comes to submission to the Lord’s will, just the thought of giving God control in certain areas of our lives makes us feel fearful. Therefore, we will put off submitting to Him when we know we need to do so and ultimately clinging to our own ways avoiding His will altogether. True submission says, “Lord, I am willing to do whatever You want in this situation. I will obey Your Word.” This true submission encompasses His time period as well.

Is procrastination becoming a serious problem in your life? If so, be sure to realize that our spiritual growth is at risk when we procrastinate. After a while, because of our procrastinating ways, our spiritual growth becomes inhibited. Then our usefulness to the Lord and our sense of joy in Him diminish. If you feel that you have lost that sense of usefulness and joy in Him, take a serious look at how you are handling the tasks He has given you. Ask yourself, “Have I been procrastinating in performing His will?” Only the Father knows the fullness of the blessings He has in store for you; but I can tell you for a certainty that His plan is to prosper you and to give you a future and a hope. Don’t put off today the things the Lord has for you!!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want to be a faithful servant to You. Please help me to recognize the areas in my life in which I am procrastinating and help me to overcome. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Next Week: We will look at techniques to overcome procrastination.