by Kelly Dixon
Readings: Romans 14:10-12; 1 Corinthians 12; Galatians 6:1-2
When we think of being accountable for something, many times it brings uneasy feelings. Many times this uneasy feeling creates a state of fear that sabotages any action we may take towards being held responsible. However, accountability is essential to our growth in Christ and is valuable to establish.
My pride use to lead my thinking in regards to accountability. Prideful thoughts would have me think, “I’m not going to be accountable to someone and have to answer to them!” However, now that I have grown more in Christ, I realize that there is more support involved in the actions of accountability. As Christians, we all must come to the realization that God holds us accountable (Romans 14:12). Such accountability is personal. However, in chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians it tells us that we are all accountable to one another. We are all part of the same body – the body of Christ – and each member needs or belongs to the other. Many support groups are developed from this concept. When we have someone in our lives who is struggling with similar life circumstances, we find out we are not alone and through this relationship we find support, comfort and motivation. Such groups as Alcoholic Anonymous or other addiction groups know the value of having such support. However, in our Christian walk we many times forget that God created in us a need for each other, especially when it comes to holding each other accountable.
Accountability can be established with an individual or group. (See thoughts below on groups.) One must be cautious, however, in choosing an accountability partner/group. When we decide we are ready to make the commitment of being accountable to a fellow Christian, we must take care when choosing. After all, they will be helping you make decisions that have eternal value. As with all steps of a Christian decision, choosing an accountability partner must start with prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the right person God wants for you. As He leads you, begin to take into consideration these two elements of accountability – trust and relating.
In order to establish Christian accountability, there needs to be trust. Developing trust is a slow process that takes time to develop and grow. As people meet together to share, they begin to establish a rapport with one another. Accountability involves a willingness to open yourself up and share sensitive or personal information. If you do not trust someone, you will not open up to them and ultimately you will not take their advice.
Relating is an important factor in Christian accountability. It is helpful when you share a common bond or similar experiences. When you relate to one another you can empathize and share with an understanding heart. However, do not let timing be a factor. Someone may be going through the same thing you are going through right now but that doesn’t necessarily make them a good fit for you. God may be leading you to a person who has already been in your shoes and is now on the other side where they can see God’s hand at work in your life like it was in theirs.
Are you pondering whether you are ready to make the commitment to be accountable to a person or group of people? If so, I pray that you will realize that accountability enables us to reach our full potential in our God-given destiny. It is impossible for our finite minds to totally wrap around the fullness of God’s plan for our lives. However, when we embrace each other in these ways and turn towards the same goal of glorifying God, we can build each other up and further grasp the understanding of God’s plan for our lives. Together you will be amazed at how the Holy Spirit will begin confirmations within your heart as He works in you and your accountability partner/group to bring forth the fruition of glorifying God in your lives.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, lead me into Your ways. Help me to make the commitment to give myself to others thereby holding each other accountable. Together with Your help we will all be able to bring Your will into fruition and glorify Your Name. Lead and guide us into Your ways. Amen.
Thoughts on Accountability Groups:
As one eases into the thought process of being accountable, they may find it easier to become part of an accountability group rather than having a partner. While I personally find the benefit of having a one-on-one accountability partner, I think if one finds themself uncomfortable in embracing a partner that they should definitely find a group. Don’t let your uneasy feeling push you away from this aspect of growing in Christ. To give an example of how a group can do this and still have the personal partnering, here is what Ladies for Jesus has in place. Our Ladies for Jesus group made a decision, personally and collectively, that we were ready to make a commitment and be accountable to not only each other but to another person. As we stepped forward into this venture, I asked each lady to write down their name along with some other information for me. I asked them to join with me in fervent prayer over the next week asking God to guide me in who He wanted to be matched up. At the beginning of that week I wrote out a matching of my own as to whom I thought would make good pairs. After the week was over God literally dictated to me His choices and to say the least, my list failed. However, we were all glad that I did the matching list at the beginning of the week because it was God’s confirmation to us that our prayers were answered as to what He wanted. Collectively, we stay accountable to each other, but having the accountability partners for the personal touch in addition to the group has proven to be very valuable.
Additional Resource:
RAP Sheet (Responsibilities of an Accountability Partner)